Education and coordination

Leader and co-leader: Philippe RICOUX (TOTAL), Ulrich Rude (U. of Erlangen).


  • Investigate and describe state-of-the-art, trends, and future needs in HPC training and education.
  • Establish and maintain a global network of expertise and funding bodies in the area of Exascale computing.
  • Investigate and describe the landscape of co-design centers in the area of HPC and specifically Exascale computing. Monitor functioning of international existing centers.
  • Act as a proactive European voice and representative into the International Exascale Software Community.
  • Integrate within WP tasks, cartography update through continuous use of network.

Sub tasks :

T2.1 State of the art on funding agencies;
T2.2 State of the art on education courses and training needs;
T2.3 State of the art of worldwide Co-design centers;
T2.4 Towards a public collaboration.