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The Fifth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences

Call for Papers:

Submission Deadline of Papers: 2 May 2015 – Final Date to enter the peer review (4 pages per paper)


* ISSN: 0094-243X
* Publisher: (Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics, AIP)

The Fifth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences, co-located part of the 13th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), focusses on architectures and methods for high end computational and numerical applications. Up to date computing and information systems (software engineering, communication, and architectures) as well as information and knowledge focussed approaches are indispensable tools for progress in various scientific fields. In context with the ICNAAM 2015 the symposium brings together world’s leading international experts, researchers, and computational and mathematical scientists presenting and publishing recent developments on, but not limited to, advanced applications and algorithms, information and computing systems, geosciences, natural sciences, computer science, archaeology, geo-processing, spatial sciences, and life sciences.  We invite scientists and engineers from academia and industry using and implementing computation and information systems, High Performance Computing, Cloud Computing, and Distributed Computing as well as knowledge based and integrated approaches and advanced applications for scientific research, engineering, education, intelligent systems, and future internet applications to present and publish their work. Papers accepted after the peer review will be published in the American Institute of Physics (AIP) conference proceedings.

Dr. Claus-Peter Rückemann, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster / Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany – ICNAAM Symposium Organiser and Symposium Chair