Enabling technologies

Leader and co-leader: Rosa Maria BADIA (PRACE – BSC) and Herbert Huber (PRACE-LRZ).

Objectives: provide answers about the technologies and the tools that are considered essential for Exascale software. For example, a long time numerical analysis addressed solvers for stochastic PDE or complex equations. Discretization is a key issue in equation resolution. The level of parallelization is clearly “physically equation dependent”.
Exascale solvers require at least 1 or 2 more levels of parallelization, even when Exascale systems will be used by weak scalability.

Sub tasks:
T4.1: WG Numerical analysis
T4.2: WG Scientific software engineering, software eco-system and programmability
T4.3 : WG Disruptive technologies
T4.4 : WG Hardware and operating software vendors
T4.5:  Coordination.